Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 14 pp 6690—6709

Parallel shift of DNA methylation and gene expression toward the mean in mouse spleen with aging


Figure 1. A bidirectional pattern of DNA methylation drift in the splenic DNA of aged mice. (A) A global decline in CpG methylation level (β-value). RRBS data were obtained from splenic DNA of two-, six-, 12-, and 23-month-old mice (2m, 6m, 12m, and 23m, respectively; n =3 for each). (B) Principal component analysis (PCA). A dashed circle group samples of the same age together. (C) Distribution of methylation levels (M-value). Red triangles represent the mean methylation levels and the two horizontal lines in the violin plots indicate 25% (lower, Q1) and 75% (upper, Q3) quartile lines. The red triangles reflect the mean methylation levels, whereas the two horizontal lines in the violin plots represent the 25th (Q1) and 75th (Q3) quartiles. The red arrows depict the contraction of the 25% and 75% quartile lines within the 23m age group. (D) Histograms showing the distribution of pre-defined regions across successive intervals of methylation levels for different genomic structures/functions (promoters, gene bodies, and intergenic regions). (E) Box plots showing the methylation levels across the age groups.