Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 24 pp 15489—15503

Identification and characterization of extrachromosomal circular DNA in age-related osteoporosis


Figure 2. Sample correlation analysis and comparison of distribution patterns of eccDNAs between osteoporosis and matched normal bone tissue. (A, B) PCA and Pearson correlation coefficients based on the profile of eccDNAs of 12 samples. (C, D) PCA and Pearson correlation coefficients base on the profile of ecDNAs of 12 samples. (EH) Ratio of eccDNAs or ecDNAs/Mb and coding genes/Mb in each chromosome. (I, J) Venn diagram of eccDNAs/ecDNAs detected in the OP and N groups. (K) Length distribution of eccDNAs in the OP and N groups.